Elks Lodge #2577 (Elk Grove, CA) 10/24/2022. The last several weeks have been very busy as we took care of our veterans at the Sacramento VA Medical Center and our newly housed (formerly homeless) vets in our local area using the Elks Veteran Service Commission (ENVSC) Welcome Home Kit Program.
Many pairs of men's sweatpants (which are high in demand), several pairs of shoes, 15 cases of water (600 bottles), and many P-51 military can openers!
We took care of Army combat veteran J. Lehman (with guide dog), which full bedding sets, a combat load of cleaning supplies, a dresser, nightstands, lighting, and a brand-new flat screen T.V.!
Additionally, we squared away Army veteran D. Ripley, his wife, 8-year-old son, and 5-month-old baby daughter who was 3 months premature and spent 5 months in Neonatal ICU. During that time, the veteran and his family lived in a Ronald McDonald house to be close to the baby. We were able to assemble a wonderful Welcome Home Kit, along with donations, for this family. Items like full bedding for their beds, full kitchen supplies which included a brand-new microwave oven, another combat load of cleaning supplies, a four-drawer bedroom dresser, kitchen table with 4 chairs, bookshelf, additional lighting, baby wipes, diapers, and much more.
Many thanks to Volunteers of America, Veteran Services Division for the veteran referral. This has been a huge team effort with our Elks Lodge and it's members, The American Legion Auxiliary Unit #233 (Elk Grove, CA), VFW Post #10125 (Rancho Cordova, CA) with their wonderful furniture program.
It's a great day to be an Elk!!
IMG 8455 -- Left to right: Henry Sanchez, Chairman, Veteran Services; Army Veteran Josh Lehman (with Guide dog), Past Exulted Ruler Michael Van De Pol
IMG 8555 -- Left to right: Lodge Trustee Mark Seibel; Lodge Secretary Richard Bristow; Lodge Member Nick Bristow; Veteran Josh Lehman and family; Chairman for Veteran Services Henry Sanchez
IMG 8455
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